Vashkevich, A., Chernyakevich, A. «The Red Book of Grodno»: Former factory of playing cards of the Lapins brothers – Budyonny, 56 [Electronic resource] // – 2019. – Sep 09. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

We don’t even think about how difficult it was until recently to print any image or picture. This process was simplified only with the invention of the technique of lithography, however, it still required great skill.

Posted on 25 September 2019 at 9:33

Vashkevich, A., Chernyakevich, A. «The Red Book of Grodno»: Barracks at the intersection of Krasnoarmeyskaya - Schorsa [Electronic resource] // Evening Grodno: newspaper portal. – 2019. – aug 22. – in rus. lang. – a photo.

What is the difference between old and old? A decrepit, that is unsuitable for use, thing is empty in itself, and therefore nothing more can be extracted from it. An antique object, on the contrary, is full of the past to the brim...

Posted on 10 September 2019 at 10:41

Kalnin, V.V. Karbyshev Street // Kalnin, V.V. Grodno in the dialogue of centuries: аlbum. – Minsk: Kavaler, 2008. – Р. 156-174. - in Belarusian and in English.

The street is named after Lieutenant-General of engineering troops Dmitry Karbyshev. Dmitry Mikhailovich met the beginning of the war was in Grodno, where he was directed to conduct an inspection of fortified areas around the cit...

Posted on 6 January 2015 at 14:58