The heroic story of Veteran Ivan Chizhonka, recorded by his great-granddae [Electronic resource] // – 2021. – August 02. – to rus. lan.

Great Patriotic War. 75 years of victory. How long ago it was for us and as recently for history. The Great War and the Great Tragedy for the Belarusian People.

Posted on 3 August 2021 at 13:44

As the Grodno was freed from the German fascist invaders [Electronic resource] // – 2021. – May 10. – to rus. lan.

Residents of Grodno waited for a long time. The city was rapidly captured by one of the first in 1941, and was released only in the summer of 1944.

Posted on 13 May 2021 at 9:53

Kuchinskaya, E. Taran in the Grodno sky and a parade on Red Square. History of the city’s defenders [Electronic resource] / Elena Kuchinskaya // – 2020. – June 22. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

The history of the city’s defenders – Andrei Stepanovich Danilov and Dmitry Karpovich Mostovenko

Posted on 15 July 2020 at 11:20

Big photo report: what was Grodno like during the war? [Electronic resource] // – 2020. – June 30. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

Our city began to be bombed in the morning of June 22, 1941. From 4 to 8 hours - six German air raids, each with 30 to 60 aircraft. Bombing lasted all day, and on the night of June 22-23, Soviet troops left the city.

Posted on 13 July 2020 at 15:16

Zhuravkov, M. From the declassified archives of the 41st. What was the last peaceful month in Grodno? [Electronic resource] / Mikhail Zhuravkov // – 2020. – June 22. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

In 1941, 100,000 inhabitants lived in Grodno. The warm summer of 1941 came, but rumors of an imminent war were already in the air ...

Posted on 10 July 2020 at 15:09

The first days of the war in Grodno through the eyes of a general of the Soviet army [Electronic resource] // – 2020. – June 22. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

June 22, 1941 is a tragic date in the history of our country. To date, much is known about the first day of World War II.

Posted on 8 July 2020 at 10:06

Komyagin, Yuri. The first secretaries of the Grodno regional committee of the CPB in the Second World [Electronic resource] // 015by. Site of the city of Grodno. – 2019. – 04 sep. - in rus. lang.

In 1968, Ivan Fyodorovich Mikulovich headed the Grodno regional party organization. In 1972, he was replaced by Leonid Gerasimovich Kletskov. Both participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Posted on 16 September 2019 at 15:28

4th outpost named after Kirichenko: presentation pptx. – 2019. – 10 slides.

Photo by Evgeny Faleev

Posted on 13 September 2019 at 15:29

Dorosh, Natalia. On the day when the war ended ... [Electronic resource] // Evening Grodno: newspaper portal - 2019 - Aug 15. - in russian lang - a photo.

Photo report of Natalia Dorosh from the ceremony of laying wreaths at the monument to fallen Soviet soldiers and partisans in the old city park, made May 9, 1980.

Posted on 21 August 2019 at 10:59

Lebedz, Eugene. In Grodno opened a plaque to Ivan Lebedev [Electronic resource] // Evening Grodno : portal of the newspaper. – 2019 – 05 Aug. – to Rus. lan. – photo.

A memorial sign to the Hero of the Soviet Union was installed on the building of the regional military Commissariat .

Posted on 5 August 2019 at 14:48