The history of the cinema «Grodno», which once became a youth center [Electronic resource] // – 2019.– Dec 2. – in Rus. lang. – a photo.

Despite its youth, the modern youth center «Grodno» has a rich history. He appeared on the site of the cinema of the same name.

Posted on 26 September 2023 at 13:07

Kozlovskaya, Veronica. The only three-room in the BSSR: a pool in the lobby and «Gone With the Wind». Cinema «October» in the project for the 95th anniversary of Belarusian cinema [Electronic resource] // Grodno Pravda. – 2019. – Nov 22. – in Rus. lang. – photo.

The history of the largest cinema in Grodno is October.

Posted on 26 September 2023 at 13:07

«The projector was on the coals», and there were kilometer-long queues on the «Avatar». The unknown story of the oldest cinema Grodno [Electronic resource] // – 2019. – Nov 18. – in Rus. lang. – photo.

In the whole history, the oldest cinema of Grodno has never changed its registration. As they placed him in a building on Sotsialisticheskaya Street, he is still there today, despite two world wars. But he often changed his name.

Posted on 26 September 2023 at 13:07

Rare moments in the history of the «Cosmos» cinema in Grodno [Electronic resource] // – 2019. – Nov 18. – in Rus. lang. – photo.

The history of the «Cosmos» cinema dates back to 1962 - at this time construction began here, the foundation was flooded, but then all work was stopped, and the standard project was reduced.

Posted on 26 September 2023 at 13:07

Tarasyuk, D. Sinema, Cinema, Cinema – We are crazy about you. History of Grodno Cinema [Electronic resource] / Denis Tarasyuk // – 2021. – March 22. – to rus. lan.

Today, turning on the TV or passing on the Internet, you can see any movie. A hundred more years ago, a dumb "film" under the accompaniment of Tapere was shown only in the cinema.

Posted on 5 April 2021 at 12:55

Kanuk, Natalia. What stoves and fireplaces looked like and what secrets they kept in the old part of Grodno [Electronic resource] // – 2019. – 04 Sep. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

No matter what kind of stoves mankind has come up with in its history: blast furnaces and cupola furnaces, muffle and mine, generator and glass melting ... But the most common and demanded, of course, were the hearths and furnaces...

Posted on 20 September 2019 at 13:09

Sevenko, Alexander. The voiced lark from Grodno: the life and fate of the brilliant singer Anna Zherebtsova-Andreeva [Electronic resource] // Evening Grodno: newspaper portal. – 2019. – 04 Sep. – in Rus. lang. – photo.

The chamber singer, professor of the St. Petersburg and Latvian Conservatoires, the famous vocal teacher Anna Zherebtsova-Andreeva was undeservedly forgotten in the post-war period, but nowadays, a lively interest in the singer, w...

Posted on 13 September 2019 at 15:22