Shatyrenok, I. The award did not find a hero [Electronic resource] / Irina Shatyrenok // webkamerton. ru. – 2020. – 23 Sept. – in Rus. lang. – a photo.

In the family of the legendary partisan commander D.A. Denisenko, echoes of a long history have been preserved about how Dmitry Anisimovich was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but he never received an award

Posted on 11 October 2023 at 11:09

«The projector was on the coals», and there were kilometer-long queues on the «Avatar». The unknown story of the oldest cinema Grodno [Electronic resource] // – 2019. – Nov 18. – in Rus. lang. – photo.

In the whole history, the oldest cinema of Grodno has never changed its registration. As they placed him in a building on Sotsialisticheskaya Street, he is still there today, despite two world wars. But he often changed his name.

Posted on 26 September 2023 at 13:07

Rare moments in the history of the «Cosmos» cinema in Grodno [Electronic resource] // – 2019. – Nov 18. – in Rus. lang. – photo.

The history of the «Cosmos» cinema dates back to 1962 - at this time construction began here, the foundation was flooded, but then all work was stopped, and the standard project was reduced.

Posted on 26 September 2023 at 13:07

How Grodno castles looked after the Great Patriotic War. Rare photos [Electronic resource] // – 2021. – February 1.

What did the castles look like immediately after the war?

Posted on 22 February 2021 at 15:05

Matievsky, S. What the Grodno Fortress is silent about. Fort No. IV [Electronic resource] / Stas Matievsky // – 2020. – 09 Nov. – in Rus. lang. – a photo.

What stories are silent dilapidated concrete walls of the forts of the Grodno fortress?

Posted on 13 November 2020 at 11:54

Mir Castle, Novogrudok, Grodno. How they looked almost 100 years ago [Electronic resource] // – 2020. – June 1. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

Black and white photographs of Western Belarus from the 1920s and 1930s are stored in the National Library of Poland. Photos from cities and towns of the Grodno region were selected for you.

Posted on 19 June 2020 at 12:46

Kuznechenkova, Tatyana. From high school teachers to specialists in the digital economy. Kupalovtsy in the project «Our Flagships» [Electronic resource] // Grodno Pravda. – 2019. – 01 Oct. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

State University named after For eight decades of history, Yanki Kupala has gone from a teacher’s institute to a multidisciplinary university, from two departments to 15 faculties, from two specialties to fifty, from the first 100...

Posted on 18 October 2019 at 12:31

Ivanov, Y. Places of interest // Grodno 1127. – Grodno: The printing house of Grodno, 2012. – P. 10 - 23: ill. - in Russian and in English.

This article contains information about the main attractions of Grodno. The author focuses on the architecture of the city. In Russian and English languages.

Posted on 6 January 2015 at 15:07

Kalnin, V.V. First Shrines // Kalnin, V.V. Grodno in the dialogue of centuries: аlbum. – Minsk: Kavaler, 2008. – Р. 52-69. - in Belarusian and in English.

The church of Boris and Gleb (Kalozha) was built in the 12th century. It is the oldest building on the territory of Belarus. Fate has not regretted her contemporaries the Nizhnya and Prechistenskaya churchs. We have heard only the...

Posted on 6 January 2015 at 14:55

Kalnin, V.V. Parish Roman Catholic Church // Kalnin, V.V. Grodno in the dialogue of centuries: аlbum. – Minsk: Kavaler, 2008. – Р. 79-85. - in Belarusian and in English.

The pearl of the Sovietskaya square is Francis Xavier cathedral (Farny cathedral). This is one of the greatest cathedral in Belarus: it could fit inside the entire population of Grodno, which had in the city during the constructio...

Posted on 6 January 2015 at 14:53