180 years ago, the writer of Eliza Ozhechko was born [Electronic resource] // S13.ru. – 2021. – June 16. – to rus. lan.

Eliza Ozheshko was born on June 6, 1841 in the Rodovitian Shankhetsky family of Pavlovsky in the estate Milkovschina, not far from Grodno.

Posted on 3 August 2021 at 8:35

Shapran, S. Vasil Bykov called it like-minded and friends [electronic resource] / Sergey Shapran // novychas.by. – 2021. -–March 30th. – on bel. lang.

March 30th turned 90 years Alexey Mikhailovich Pyatkevich, Slavuta Grodno literary critic, teachers and local historians.

Posted on 5 April 2021 at 13:30

Dossier: To the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's Writer of Belarus Andrei Makayonok [Electronic resource] // grodnonews.by. – 2020. – 12 Nov. – in Russian. lang. – a photo.

November 12 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's Writer of Belarus, the talented playwright Andrei Makayenko

Posted on 16 November 2020 at 16:40

Vishnevskaya, T. ... And life, and tears, and love: Grodno poet Maria Shevchenok about modern readers, graphomaniacs and optimism in poetry [Electronic resource] / Tatiana Vishnevskaya // vgr.by. – 2020. – 25 Sept. – in Rus. lang.

Interview of the newspaper "Vecherny Grodno" with the Grodno poetess Maria Shevchenko about how she came to literature, about modern readers, graphomaniacs and optimism in poetry.

Posted on 7 October 2020 at 15:08

Sushko, Tatyana. Alexey Karpyuk: «Scripture became my destiny, I found a way to be most useful to people. I knew happiness, I know how to live!» [Electronic resource] // gazeta.grsu.by. – 2020. – Feb 26. – on Bel. lang. – a photo.

On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the founding of Kupalovsky University, his youngest daughter Valentina shared her memories with Alexei Nikiforovich with readers of the Grodno University newspaper.

Posted on 6 March 2020 at 15:17

Trefilov, Sergey. Photographer Yevgeny Koktysh: when Bykov saw his smiling portrait, he asked: «Where did you catch me?» [Electronic resource] // Komsomolskaya Pravda. – 2019. – 13 Dec. – in Rus. lang. – a photo.

The famous photojournalist, together with «Komsomolka», reviewed his huge photo archive - dozens of little-known shots with people's writer Vasil Bykov

Posted on 23 December 2019 at 11:07

Shatyrenok, Irina. «We do not need to be sorry ...» [Electronic resource] // kamerton. – 2019. – Oct 14. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

Vladimir Kolesnik was born in the village of Sinyavskaya Sloboda. Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Belarusian SSR (1979), Laureate of the State Prize of the BSSR named after Yak...

Posted on 17 December 2019 at 16:51

Vasil Bykov. Bogatyr of the Belarusian Land: presentation pptx. – 2019 .– 16 slides

Photo by Eugene Koktysh

Posted on 22 October 2019 at 15:52

Shatyrenok, Irina. Unknown biography page of Yanka Bryl [Electronic resource] // Evening Grodno. – 2019. – Oct 14. – in Rus. lang.

Archives store for future generations the captured time of bygone eras, «talking» documents about people. After many decades, their actions are especially interesting. Any archivist is convinced: there is nothing secret that would...

Posted on 18 October 2019 at 10:28

Shatyrenok, Irina. The debt of memory to the mentor, writer Vladimir Kolesnik [Electronic resource] // Consonance. – 2019. – Oct 14. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

Vladimir Andreevich Kolesnik is a talented literary critic, writer, critic, mentor, whose professional life was held at the Department of Belarusian Philology.

Posted on 18 October 2019 at 10:02