Lenskaya, A. In April, marks 100 years since the birth of the Voicer Natalia Selivanchik. What people remember the talented doctor [electronic resource] / Anna Lenskaya; photo // grodnonews.by. – 2021. – April 21. – to rus. lan.

People remember the talented doctor Natalia Vlaslan Selivatechik. In April, one hundred years has been fulfilled from her birthday

Posted on 29 April 2021 at 13:03

Pharmacy-museum [Electronic resource] // am.biotest.by. – 2020. – 07 Oct. – in Rus. lang.

On the central square of the city of Grodno, next to the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier is a unique, the only pharmacy-museum in Belarus.

Posted on 15 October 2020 at 12:33

Motevich, Catherine. To the 75th anniversary of the Grodno region. Our flagships. Regional Clinical Hospital: thousands of saved lives in almost seven decades of the journey [Electronic resource] // Grodno Pravda: newspaper portal - 2019 - Aug 16. - in rus lang - a photo.

For seven decades, the Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital, on the basis of which the country's first university clinic was recently established, is moving forward with a confident step. Today it is almost the same age as the region...

Posted on 21 August 2019 at 15:47