Shatyrenok, I. The award did not find a hero [Electronic resource] / Irina Shatyrenok // webkamerton. ru. – 2020. – 23 Sept. – in Rus. lang. – a photo.

In the family of the legendary partisan commander D.A. Denisenko, echoes of a long history have been preserved about how Dmitry Anisimovich was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but he never received an award

Posted on 11 October 2023 at 11:09

The heroic story of Veteran Ivan Chizhonka, recorded by his great-granddae [Electronic resource] // – 2021. – August 02. – to rus. lan.

Great Patriotic War. 75 years of victory. How long ago it was for us and as recently for history. The Great War and the Great Tragedy for the Belarusian People.

Posted on 3 August 2021 at 13:44

As the Grodno was freed from the German fascist invaders [Electronic resource] // – 2021. – May 10. – to rus. lan.

Residents of Grodno waited for a long time. The city was rapidly captured by one of the first in 1941, and was released only in the summer of 1944.

Posted on 13 May 2021 at 9:53

Grishkevich, A. She went over to the front, took Prague and did not spoil the biography of her beloved – the history of superpenter 97-year-old Siberian from Grusko [Electronic resource] / Alina Grishkevich; Photo by Leonid Shcheglova and Alina Grishkevich // – 2021. – April 28. – to rus. lan.

The story of the fate of 97-year-old Valentina Petrovna Baranova, which is well known in Grodno.

Posted on 3 May 2021 at 16:21

Shatyrenok, I. History of museum photography [Electronic resource] / Irina Shatyrenok // Consonance. – 2021. – January 19. – in Rus. lang.

History of photography from the Novogrudok Museum of History and Local Lore

Posted on 2 February 2021 at 14:30

Matievsky, S. What is the Grodno Fortress Silent About [Electronic resource] / Stas Matievsky // – 2020 .– December 7. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

Despite the close location to the city, the forts of the Grodno fortress have revealed their true history to few people.

Posted on 11 December 2020 at 15:40

Korneeva, N. The history of the grain pier in Grodno: the war on Zbozhovaya, northern romance and work in the ocean [Electronic resource] / Natalia Korneeva // – 2020. – 2 Dec. – in Rus. lang. – a photo.

Modern Zbozhovaya is a few houses built after the war between the Neman and the driveshaft plant. During the war, the street was in the center of hostilities.

Posted on 8 December 2020 at 11:53

Kuchinskaya, E. In the battles for Grodno and on the Neman near Lunno. The story of Joseph Dyakov and Ivan Osinny in the project «The Name of a Hero. Belarus remembers» [Electronic resource] / Elena Kuchinskaya // – 2020. – June 2. – in Rus. lang. – a photo.

The story of Joseph Dyakov and Ivan Osinny in the project «The name of the hero. Belarus remembers»

Posted on 19 October 2020 at 13:30

Kuchinskaya, E. Taran in the Grodno sky and a parade on Red Square. History of the city’s defenders [Electronic resource] / Elena Kuchinskaya // – 2020. – June 22. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

The history of the city’s defenders – Andrei Stepanovich Danilov and Dmitry Karpovich Mostovenko

Posted on 15 July 2020 at 11:20

Big photo report: what was Grodno like during the war? [Electronic resource] // – 2020. – June 30. – in Rus. lang. – Photo.

Our city began to be bombed in the morning of June 22, 1941. From 4 to 8 hours - six German air raids, each with 30 to 60 aircraft. Bombing lasted all day, and on the night of June 22-23, Soviet troops left the city.

Posted on 13 July 2020 at 15:16